Thursday 4 October 2018

Team work!

Not a big entry today, Tina and I worked in the garden getting the area ready for the summer house, they are coming to do the base on Monday.
After that we stamped it down arm in arm like Russian soldiers, if the neighbours were watching that will think we have finally lost the plot completely !
The only other picture today was of another bunch of fungi.
We went to the garden centre and had lunch there, I had thought about getting some apprentice tools but on second thoughts today they were too small.
We also did a bit of shopping. Since home I have been sorting my stuff out for the trip tomorrow and have done some hoeing and watering in th garden.


  1. I’ve got a picture in my head with you two as Tiller girls as opposed to Russian soldiers 😀Either way you’ve made a good job of it.
    You’re so lucky to have the fungi in the garden. I know a lot of people don’t like it because it can be poisonous, but I think it’s really nice looking and great for pics. Hopefully I’ll get to take some of it myself.
    Hope your trip all goes to plan tomorrow.

  2. I like to see the fight too, so it will still be there for you to take pics.
    I am sure it will be fine once I get on the way.
