Saturday 31 March 2018

Garden centre and fireplace

This morning the three of us went to the garden centre, we had a sandwich for breakfast and then had a good look round. Tina bought a nice throw for her bed as there was lots of nice stuff on offer. I had wanted to get some plug plants to grow on in the greenhouse and maybe tomato plants. I also needed some bonsai compost as it is nearly time to do the dreaded root pruning which I only do every other year! The greenhouse is filling up and I will sew some more seeds soon too.
I stripped off the paper at the back of the fireplace in readiness to get a board to put the tiles on. I planned to go to the local builders merchant to see if they would cut me a piece to size.
It was quite miserable out so Tina said she would drive me to Freeport and then she would take me to Woods the builders merchant. We had a drink and went into the shop that has garden ornaments. We got a couple of wall art leaves, quite big, I will take a picture tomorrow if I remember. The people at Woods were great, they were open on a Saturday afternoon and happily cut a piece of wood to size for me, I also bought some black paint. This was after I had put one coat of paint on, |I have put a second one on now.
Yesterday I got a copy of the Hornsea Gazette as Tina was on the front page again. The cottage hospital is due to close and the local community have set up an action group to set up a voluntarily run first aid centre. Tina managed to get agreement for funding for a portable cabin.
At the charity shop yesterday I bought a lovely little soapstone container. I have put lavender in it now, it cost me a princely 49p.
Early services tomorrow, poor Tina is taking the first one at 6 am.


  1. The greenhouse looks more like a greenhouse in every photo. It’s filling up well. You should have lots of plants and hopefully veggies before to long.
    The fireplace is going to look good once you’ve got it sorted. I think your plan of the wood and batons was the best idea. It’ll blend in well and it can’t fall anywhere. Bet it’ll be on the blog and finished tomorrow :-)
    Like your little container. Not bad for the money. I love rummaging around charity shops, you can find some great stuff.
    A 6am service is mega early! You’ll probably be up before that making strong tea to keep her going.

  2. I might just do that, I am going to the 7 am service.
    I made sure I didn't shut Blue in the greenhouse today, although as Darren rescued a bird from her today I wouldn't have felt that guilty!!
    May be a couple of days before the tiles are in place as we can't find the No Nails!!
