Thursday 15 March 2018

Wet day and another craft session

It has been a grey day and started drizzling early and has done for most of the day. I took another picture of the treated wood items when it wasn't so bright outside.
Really had trouble getting a good picture of the new tv without it being obliterated by the misty patches. I did try cleaning the lens Mike, and anyway, it only happens in certain lights. Time for a new camera I think!
Darren and Tina are very happy with it, like a night at the movies now!
I went down with a note to the second hand shop to say I wouldn't be in until this afternoon, took a picture on my phone but can't seem to upload it or send it, so you will just have to take my word for it as it still hasn't been delivered.
Tina drove me up to Freeport for the craft class, partly because of the weather and partly because there were a lot of excitable children at the bus stop. We had a drink there together which was nice. The bag shop is closing down so I went in for a look and got a nice holdall for one or two day trips, can be carried or pulled along like a case.
The craft session was great, a new technique just using a couple of acrylic blocks and paint or ink. I have ordered some blocks as I want to experiment with this idea.

Last night I made a card using the technique from the last class, this is inspiring me to start making cards again.
Since saying it hadn't worked the email I sent myself did arrive, it took an age, so here is the illusive blanket box.
Right, all this technology has worn me out so will finish now!


  1. I really like the light and dark effect on that bench. It’ll look nice with a couple of cushions on it. Perfect for a lazy cuppa in the walled garden. The tv does look rather large. Ideal for watching a good film I suppose, as long as you have a big tub of popcorn and sweeties :-) It does sound like a new camera might be in order. I think you’ve had plenty of use out of that one over the years. I know you have the bigger camera too, but a small one is handy to leave in your bag so you always have access to one, assuming you have the bag with you that is. The phone does get you out of trouble at a push, bit it’s a lot of fiddle faddling.
    The new bag is very cute, and very you.
    The acrylic block pics are good. I really like the one on the right as it looks like a cartoon bird. The spider lends itself to the technique too. Glad it’s getting you back into card making mode as I know you used to enjoy doing them, and it makes it more personal when you send them out.
    The blanket box is great, it’ll be perfect on the landing. Bet the cat will think so too :-)

  2. It is strange, I have never really done paint and ink techniques on cards, very different to ones I have made before. I am looking forward to getting some acrylic blocks and having a good play.
    They had bags with bears and Mickey Mouse, but that was the one that caught my eye.
    Quite a big job waiting for me when the blanket box is home as I want to have a good finish on it.
    My camera certainly gets more use than most do so it doesn't owe me anything.
