Friday 23 March 2018

Charity shop and packing.

Charity shop day today, was just on with the manager and I manned the shop and till while she did lots of sorting out the back. She even asked if I could stay a bit longer today so that she could finish what she was doing. I had a quick lunch when I got home and then took a walk down to the post office. The 'rain pond' has now signs of draining away yet in the park.
After the post office I walked up to the doctors so that I could go and take my blood pressure. Passed this wall on the way, oops!
The blood pressure wasn't good, I will put it down to being on my feet all morning and then walking to the post office and surgery. This fir outside had pine cones about to shed their protective covering.
I cut back through the park, still muddy and boggy areas.

In that last one the sitting room window of the Vicarage is on the left hand side. Took one more of the church from the park.
When I got home the gravel for the draining ditch had been delivered!
Yesterday when Tina and I were at Freeport we got this cute little planter for the garden.
Tina and I took a quick trip to the tip this afternoon with a car load of packaging. Since then I have made sure the plants are watered and have been getting ready for the trip to Hemel at the weekend,
Sport Relief tonight which I always enjoy, no doubt the debit card will see some action!


  1. I think the muddy boggy park looks nice that way. Not brilliant for walking and playing on, but great for viewing and taking pics from the path. Never noticed pine cones had a protective cover like that before. I’ll probably notice from now on though.
    Glad you had a good day at the shop and haven’t gone too mad doing stuff this afternoon. Tomorrow’s trip will be a long one, so you’ll need to be fit and ready in the morning. Plus an early night will stop you spending so much watching SR :-)

  2. I hadn't seen pine cones like that either, was quite fascinated by it.
    I haven't walked in the park for a bit, quite muddy when you came off the path. Very popular with the dog walkers.
    Won't be in bed too late tonight, although I expect I will doze off on trains, but hopefully get off for the change overs!!
