Sunday 4 March 2018

Powerless day!

Quite a strange and unusual day today. The power went off before midnight and although workman did turn out in the night they couldn't locate the problem. So, now power this morning, luckily there is a gas fire in the loving room downstairs and we do cook on gas, but had to sort out the old fashioned kettle and the matches! Tina stayed home in the end in case anyone needed access to the house but Darren and I set off to Skirlington market. Very grey day and it started to rain, so no boot sale and not many stalls open at the market really. I hadn't taken my camera and the pond there was still partly frozen so I took a couple of pictures on my phone, so I thought! We had our usual sandwich and cuppa and bought a few household bits. Then Darren spotted a sign about an antiques fair at the Floral Hall so we went and had a look round there. Quite interesting and I got a lovely embroidered picture of a wren.
We went and looked at the sea and I took a couple more photos with the phone, long story coming. When we got home Tina was reading and we still didn't have power. I looked at my photos and they were just blank images. Darren and Tina both fought with it, to no avail, a bit of a pain as I bought the extra memory so that I can use it as back up. Darren has got it to take pictures now after turning it off and messing with the settings.
This afternoon, to keep warm, I did quite a bit of sorting and dusted my ornaments and polished the furniture.
It has been a grey day, before I started dinner I went out to take a picture of the vans, they had the road up a few doors from our house.
Although it wasn't yet dark it was pretty dark in the kitchen when I started dinner, so it was by torch and candlelight.

The power did come on as I was finishing, as did the alarm, which rang for a while as no one could immediately remember the code!
I am now going to put probably the worst picture ever onto the blog, Tina went out to put bird seed down in the garden, the day was murky as were the windows, it would have been a good action shot in different circumstances.
Tina is now having trouble with her computer and Darren is trying to get it up and running. I have had a bath and have Endeavour to watch soon. Tina and I are off out fairly early in the morning.


  1. Well that was a bit of an adventure for you all. Bit like the power cuts in the 70’s. Quite good fun for the odd evening, but it gets bad after that. Glad you’re all sorted now. Good job you weren’t all electric like a lot of people these days.
    Like the wren, very nice.
    Shame the phone camera didn’t work. It’s always the way when you need it. Not like you not to have a camera with you.
    Bet cooking by candlelight was fun. You should have dialled a takeaway :-)
    I have to agree, that last picture is probably the worst one you’ve uploaded to the blog, but it’s good in a strange way.

  2. I knew it was pretty awful, but it gives the general idea. The day didn't turn out too bad in the end but I wouldn't want to have to do it too often!
    I really need more pictures!! But couldn't resist it and it is small.
