Thursday 22 March 2018

Craft and garden

Tina and I had arranged to go up to Freeport together and have breakfast before I went along to the craft session. It was Tina's day off and there was space at the craft session so she stayed which was lovely, just us and two other ladies. We made journals and the inside was made with one large piece of card, cut in a certain way so no sticking was required for the pages. Then we decorated covers for the front and back. Mags, who runs the class thought they would be good for keeping examples from different workshops with a brief description. That is what I intend to do but one of the ladies was going to make it into a photo keepsake book and the others are undecided I think.

We also bought three nice little sentiment booklets which will be good if we start making more cards with the new techniques.
When we came home we went straight out to have lunch at a great little cafe just down the road, we didn't have the delicious cakes there but we did bring some home! I went out to hang the washing in the walled garden when we got back, which is only the second time I have managed to get stuff out on the line, it didn't dry completely but was almost to ironing level. The willow tree, which had a horrid disease in Scarborough is recovering, some areas are still dead but I am hopeful it will become fuller in time.
We then went out to work on the drive for a bit as the weather was okay.

It is heavy going and Tina is better at it that me. She came and helped me finish off the area I had started as my knees, ankle and wrists weren't happy!

One of those jobs which I particularly are reluctant to get stuck into but it does mean progress is being made.
We had our cake with a cup of tea when we had cleared away in the garden and then I walked over to a hairdresser over the road to see if I could get a haircut before going away this weekend. They didn't have anybody in so cut my hair straight away, an unusual experience as the man and lady were cutting and thinning my hair together. That was a bit strange but it is a good cut.
Have been writing a couple of letters and will have a nice bath this evening to ease my aches and pains, and get rid of all the hair!!


  1. Love the little journal. It looks very professional and something you could buy from one of a number of shops. Very clever how it’s done from one piece of card too. You really are getting back into the craft stuff, which is great as I know you get pleasure from making things like that. Breakfast out and lunch too is a bonus! Also it sounds like you both deserved a naughty cake after your efforts in the garden. It’s certainly looking better than it did when you moved in. Much like Scarborough really, but on a slightly larger scale :-)
    The two hairdressers working together on your hair does sound a bit odd, but if it was good then that’s all that matters. Did you tip them both? :-)
    Hope you feel less achey after a soak.

  2. I really have enjoyed going to the craft sessions, feeling quite inspired, just need to organise my time a bit better. It has been a naughty eating day but hopefully the gardening used a few calories up!
    Not feeling too bad now, charity shop in the morning.
    Just one tip, they can sort it out amongst themselves.
