Friday 9 March 2018

Trip 'down south'.

Charlie made himself comfortable on my window seat this morning, so I actually left him there when I went out! I did cover my chairs with a throw s that they don't get cat attention and snagged.
Tried to get a good picture of the fern this morning as it is still flourishing and liking it's new lofty position.
I went down the road a couple of times before catching the bus to Hull for the beginning of my journey south as I wanted to catch the man in the second hand shop. He has a cello exactly the same as mine, but it wasn't that I was interested in, he also had a lovely, carved bench cum blanket box. He was open the second visit and I paid a large deposit and I think he will deliver it over the weekend. No photo, that will have to be when I am home and it is in place.
Then I got everything together to catch the bus to Hull. Much warmer day today and the sun was shining when I left home. I had never really looked properly at the roof at St Stephen's shopping centre but could see it quite clearly from the bus that had conveniently stopped at some traffic lights!
There was an unusual statue in the Railway station, there was actually a more traditional one I noticed afterwards, may take a picture of that on the journey home.
Both trains were on time and I was able to store my case okay on both of them. Mike came to the platform to meet me, so all in all a good journey. We went into Waitrose for some lunch and bumped into my niece Rose who sat with us for a bit. Then Mike and I got a taxi to his place where we had a pleasant afternoon, even got him watching a bit of rubbish tv! Skip came for me about 6 pm and Rachel cooked a very nice roast dinner for tea. We spent the evening just chatting and catching up generally.
Off to London with Anya for the day tomorrow so that is exciting and I am sure we will enjoy the stage version of 'Young Frankenstein'.


  1. The cat looks very comfy on the window seat, and the rabbit. Spoiled! The fern will need trimming before long to stop it strangling people on the way up. It seems to like it there though.
    The blanket box sounded very good when you described it to me earlier, so I’m looking forward to seeing a pic when you get home. The waxing will be good exercise for you!
    We do tend to miss simple things like roofs etc. Someone goes to all the trouble of designing them, and then people just walk by oblivious. Apart from sky watchers and photographers that is :-)
    I enjoyed seeing you, and our light lunch then catchup this afternoon. I hope you enjoy your day out tomorrow.

  2. Both the cats like the window seat, not the original reason for making it but knew that would probably be the outcome!
    That roof, like a boat is really rather lovely,but as you say, we tend not to notice things like that.
    A good start to my trip yesterday so looking forward to the rest of the weekend.

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