Wednesday 7 March 2018

Bit of painting.

On Monday Hazel and Brian offered us a picture that they had not had on display for a while. It is an original and we both fell in love with it immediately. Apart from the subject it was also the perfect colour scheme to go in the dining room. It is already up on the wall!
When we called in at QD in Peterborough on the way home I bought some much cheaper artificial flowers to put in my jardiniere. I mentioned before that a white artificial orchid at the garden centre was £50, I got all of these stems for £9.
It was sunny this morning and a little warmer, the wood that replaces the broken gate was dry, I already had the paint, so I thought it was time to get it covered.
Managed to do a couple of coats, it was a bit rough so I didn't have to be too careful!
The plan is that I do something artistic on it at some point...... I went and checked the greenhouse, I have taken the cover off the sweet peas now as I don't want to force them to get too tall too quickly. The nasturtiums are popping through as well.
I wanted some stamps so walked to the post office this afternoon, but did the longer circuit and went to see the sea first. My ankle decided to go into serious spasm on the way there, I did the rest of the walk very slowly indeed. The sky was changing as I walked along the main road.
Took a few pictures by the sea, always different.

I had spotted some unusual ivy outside the pet/plant shop on the way down, so bought the three they had on the way back. They will look lovely when I do the hanging baskets.
I have an ankle support on now and have been on line to order some sports ones that will hopefully arrive tomorrow. I am going to London with Anya on Saturday so want to be as fit as possible!


  1. The picture does look nice on that chimney breast, and as you say the colours fit just right.
    The new flowers look ok to me too. Definitely a better price at £9. £50 for artificial flowers just seemed obscene :-)
    The ex gate is just the right colour for a nice sunflower on it now as it could have a long stem down to the ground. Or maybe a nice spider complete with web!
    Quite like the sea shots. A little bit moody which is good. The lampposts look like the alien ships from the original war of the worlds film :-) Hope the new supports turn up in time for Saturday. Should be a nice trip to London with Anya. But a long old trek on buses and trains to here first.

  2. That is a pretty good colour for the wood. That is an outdoor paint for any surface, so I may paint the metal chairs with it. Hadn't thought about a spider and web, had flowers in mind, but I definitely think a spider will have to come into it now!
    For reasonably priced artificial flowers they are really quite good.
    The sea was calmer today, but still not properly settled.
