Friday 2 March 2018

Cold wind and foamy sea front!

I didn't particularly feel like turning out for my session at the charity shop, but in the end I really enjoyed my morning. Quiet to start, but chatted with the manager and got some of the paperwork read and signed. Also served quite a lot of customers in the end and didn't make any mistakes on the till!
Tina has sent me a text to say she wasn't going down to see the family today as there was more snow forecast in Lincolnshire. So when I came home just after 1 pm I suggested we go out somewhere local to have lunch. We went to Hornsea Garden Centre and after lunch had a good look around and bought a few things. I was looking at the artificial flowers, considering getting a large one to go in the latest jardiniere. They weren't great and SO expensive, the white orchid was £50!

I ended up buying a live, not so large orchid for £8.
Tina hadn't made it to the mere yet, so as the cafe would be open we drove in to have a look. I hadn't taken my hat and the wind was icy again, but we had a drink and then took a few pics quickly before we took cover in the car again.

Near the ice in that first picture there was a bird watcher sat the whole time we were inside, that was dedication. We rounded off the little trip by taking a drive along to the sea front, so much foam flying about, quite dramatic. I did get out the the car for the first pictures. but couldn't get too close to the sea and the wind would have propelled me into it I think!

I have done a little more to the embroidery. Did get an embroidery book at the charity shop this morning which might give me some stitch ideas. Maybe another picture tomorrow.


  1. Glad to hear you had a good morning at the shop. You’re getting to be a dab hand on that till. Think it’ll be your main task there. Better than steaming though.
    Those artificial flowers are SOOOO expensive. I hadn’t realised they were that dear these days. I know they’re better than they used to be, but not that good. Hopefully the orchid will grow well. They’re not renowned for being easy. Although I was very lucky with one I used to have, which is good for me.
    Are you sure the birdwatcher was still alive and not frozen to death! Must be mad to do it in that weather.
    The sea does look very fierce today. Definitely better to take pics from the car on days like that. I know you’re a keen photographer, but you’re not do-lally, well not most of the time anyway :-)

  2. I couldn't quite believe the price of the artificial orchid, I can buy five real ones for less, so that should keep me going for a while!
    I think the two paid staff are happy that they have another volunteer that is fairly confident with the till, I think some don't want to try or get in a bit of a muddle. I am mach happier being out front and talking to the customers.
    It was a fierce sea today, glad we drove round that way to see it though.
