Sunday 25 March 2018

Trip round the Hemel area

Hazel and Brian came and collected me at 8.30 am and we went out for breakfast. That was a good start to the day and then we drove to the Ashridge Estate, very beautiful grounds and a monument that is open in the summer season.

We had a look round the National Trust shop and then drove through the estate on our way to Birkhamstead Castle. A challenging drive for Hazel as there was a park run going on, coming towards us, they were all over the place and traffic was coming the other way on the narrow road.  There must have been hundreds taking part as we seemed to be passing them forever! But we got to the castle, which is a ruin, but it is free and lots of ground for families with children to have a great day out.

Then we had a short walk to the Grand Union Canal, Brian particularly wanted me to see the totem pole.

When we got home Brian had a rest and Hazel got dinner ready. Adrian, their son, called in to say hello, it was good to see him. We have had a quiet afternoon just chatting and watching a bit of tv. Back in the hotel now, off home tomorrow after having breakfast with Hazel and Brian.


  1. Really pleased you had a nice day. Good you got to see a few of the local beauty spots too. The Grand Union looks a great place to visit and to walk along, bet it’s really beautiful there in the summer. The totem pole is definitely different. You don’t see a lot of them around my way :-) All in all a very nice day. Shame you have all those trains to look forward to again tomorrow though.

  2. It has been an enjoyable day, and nice to have seen the places Brian and Hazel mention. Brian particularly wanted me to see the totem, I think it is quite famous, but that isn't surprising really. At least I am getting good use out of the rail card!
