Sunday 18 March 2018

Started the tiles for the fireplace

Not going to be a long post today. The weather has been really cold although the snow has almost gone now and I think the wind may have died down a bit.
Darren and I went and had a sandwich and cuppa at the cafe at Freeport before going to Tesco to do a grocery shop. The shops at Freeport don't open until 11 am on a Sunday so I didn't go and get the bits I wanted from the craft outlet as we needed to be home to get the dinner on the go.
This afternoon I unpacked the tiles and gave them a wash ready for getting the design drawn on. So far so good.
Then I sponged the background so that I can still see the detail to paint!
Have started the green stems but will leave it now as it is easier in natural light.
Will get cleared away now. May take a trip to Freeport tomorrow if the weather has improved.


  1. Shame you didn’t get the stuff you wanted today, but it sounds like you’ve kept yourself well occupied. Good job you always have lots of projects on the back burner :-)
    The tiles are looking good. I think they’ll be perfect for the back of the fireplace. Totally unique too. No rush to get them done either, and daylight makes things like that so much easier. Unless it was me doing it, then nothing on this earth would make it easier :-)
    Hopefully you’ll get to Freeport tomorrow and get the paints you wanted, and a tea and cake of course.

  2. I am enjoying doing the tiles now I have got them, but as you say, no mad rush, got to get them back to Scarborough when they are done!
    No rush to get the other paints either, I just want to experiment with them.

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