Sunday 11 March 2018

Happy Mother's Day

This morning Rachel took me up to Morrisons where I was meeting Angie. Haven't seen her for a while now so it was good to have a good couple of hours together. She drove me back here and I sat with Rachel for a bit before Anya and family came to collect me to take me to lunch. We were going to Frankie and Bennie's and meeting Louis's parents there. Although Anya had booked we did have to wait for quite a while for a table. We did have to wait a while for the food as well, but it was very good when it arrived. It was a tad noisy in there but we managed to chat quite well.
After we had eaten and that included rather yummy desserts we went over to the toy shop. Isobel had gone up a level at swimming yesterday so I bought her a little treat. Outside we got Louis to take a couple of photos, Isobel with me then with Isobel and Anya so one of the three generations on Mothering Sunday.

Then they dropped me back at Rachel's. We have watched the new Jungle Book which we enjoyed apart from the ridiculously large King Louis.
Watching Endeavour now and won't be in bed late as I am travelling home tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like a pretty good Mother’s Day. When you mentioned it the other day I was assuming Anya was cooking a meal for you. Should have known better. Sorry Anya if you’re reading this :-)
    Think I’ve only ever been to F&B’s when you and I went for breakfast, which if I remember was very nice.
    Like the generations pic. Always handy to take along a spare photographer :-)

  2. It has been a good trip, hopefully the journey tomorrow will be okay too.
    Endeavour was a little grim tonight, but very good, very different to Jungle Book though!!

  3. What lovely photos of you and anya and isobel, she has grown up sooooo much. I must try and meet you in Peterborough next time you r down, pls let me know and I will try to get across. Jan u look amazing too. Love the new wide screen TV too. I need one like that as my eyesight is not so good.
    Pls say hi to angels and Rachel from me and Michelle when you speak to them.
    Hi Mike if you r reading this. Hope you are well.
    Love always xxxπŸ¦„πŸš€πŸŒ πŸŒΊπŸ°☃️❄️

  4. We will try and arrange meeting up Julie. I have a smaller tv in my room but the one downstairs is pretty impressive. Will pass on your best wishes to the ladies. Love Jan xxx
