Friday 30 March 2018

A little more gardening

This morning I set off for the charity shop, we had quite a busy time today and took a fair bit of money. I mostly man the till now and make sure the shop is tidy and do some pricing and displaying after the paid member of staff has sorted and checked it. My legs ached a bit when I came home so I had some lunch and put my feet up for a bit, as I came home I took a picture of one of the opened tulips that are so pretty.
Then I went out to try digging a different piece of garden out the back. Was just starting when I realise that I had branches in the way and more importantly in my face, so did some pruning first!

So much to do out there! This was more or less the state of play as I was about to get going.
There were still roots to contend with, but this time it was more what seemed to be like a blanket which was hindering my progress. I did dig up a couple of bones and at one point thought I was about to discover a long buried pet, but thankfully I didn't.
Then there was a piece of wire fencing in the ground, it is nothing if not varied out there!
That had the material caught up in it, but I did manage to get the whole piece out.
I didn't get the whole area done, but enough to rake over a reasonable amount and get four plants into the bed, yippee!!
That made it seem more like a couple of hours well spent.
Had dinner with Darren and Tina and I am going to watch the short film that won the Oscar in a little while.


  1. That charity shop seems to do a good trade. If a worked in one of those I end up bringing loads of stuff home!
    Very pretty tulip. You may have other plants flowering in the summer if the garden plays ball. It seem not to be at the moment though. That looks really hard work! You need to be careful you don’t overdo it. There’s a lot of work there. Think you need to get Darren and Tina out there with forks, spades and buckets. Perfect for a family weekend event :-)
    The blanket could be weed suppressant I suppose, but being in a small area, and with the wire too, I’d have guessed it was a burial site, with the wire to stop accidentally digging it up. Hopefully for a pet!
    I watched the film too. It was great.

  2. If it was a burial site the bones have dispersed well, I guess we will never know! It was good to actually have felt there was something to show for it today. I think it is a 80% chance of rain tomorrow so probably won't be another gardening day!
    The film was very moving and the little actress was amazing.

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