Tuesday 20 March 2018

Cats and tiles

It has been quite a busy day really. Did some household chores to start with and then went down the road to get some cash and a bit of shopping. The cats were outside in the front garden enjoying a bit of better weather.
The problem was that Blue kept attempting to follow me down the road so I got some odd looks from the people at the bus stop as a carried a screeching cat down to the house! She doesn't like being picked up at the best of times and becomes vocal.
When I got home I carried on with painting the tiles for a while then I got ready to be picked up to go to the U3A Scrabble group. We had two games, I won one and drew the other one. There were seven of us today so there were two boards in play.
I carried on with the tiles when I got back and am thinking I may stop now before I do something disastrous!
I like it in the very pastel shades so will hopefully be pleased with it when it is fired.
Had a cuddle with a baby today, quite a rare thing lately, as one of Tina's friends was over for a visit. He is quite a big baby and wasn't too happy at being held by me until he was asleep!
This evening I was collected again this time to go to Leven gardening group. A very good and entertaining speaker who showed us slides for gardens she has visited from all around the United Kingdom. She was selling some of her own plants so I came home with three, one being a very nice contorted willow. Quite tired now and will be off to bed soon.


  1. What a busy and varied day you’ve had. Cat wrangling is always a good start to any day. Specially when they don’t want to be wrangled! Marginally better than having one follow you to the shops though.
    The tiles look great. Definitely a good place to stop as they have plenty of detail in them. I can’t wait to see them when they’ve been fired.
    Out for scrabble, out for slide presentations, you’re getting to be a real gad about, which is great :-) All that and baby cuddling, no wonder you’re tired. Hopefully you’ll get a good nights sleep tonight. Bet it’ll be another busy day ahead tomorrow.

  2. It was a full day and I was in bed late last night, so won't be long before I retire now.Thinking of trying to get to Scarborough tomorrow, bit of an epic journey but it will get me ready for a long trip at the weekend!

  3. You’re as keen to see the tiles fired as I am :-)

  4. That's true, but also the longer they are hanging around the more chance of accidental damage to the artwork or the tiles themselves.
