Monday 19 March 2018

The blanket box has landed!!

I thought there was a puddle in the flower bed next to the greenhouse when I went down early this morning, but when Tina was watching the cats in the garden with the net pulled back she realised that a pane had blown out of the greenhouse. I went out, it hadn't broken, but for the life of me I could work out how to get the clips to hold it in, so I put it inside to save it getting broken. I went on line to see if I could find out how to do the clips, watched a video and then was able to go out and refit the pane, so quite pleased with myself then!
Then I walked down to the second hand shop to get the telephone number. Phoned him up and he asked if I was in this morning, when I said yes he said he would be round within the hour. It was actually about five minutes. It has even more engraving that I thought, absolutely delighted to have it here at last.

I had time then to get the next bus to Freeport and got my acrylic paints and some card blanks. Had a quick look round Pound Stretcher, had a coffee and caught the next bus home. I called in at Countdown and got some shoe polishing brushes.Did a bit of sanding on the blanket box and used a little bit of beeswax, but then decided to get on with painting the tiles. It is going quite well, of course they will look quite different when fired.
I almost forgot that I was going to a craft class this evening with Jean and Ellie at the Inshore Lifeboat Station.We used sparkle pens to make backgrounds and then stamps. The power went off about half an hour before we were due to finish so we ended up in torch light for a bit. It was quite enjoyable and a different technique learnt, although I don't think I will be buying any of the pens just yet!


  1. The blanket box is lovely, and worth the wait. It’s very nicely decorated and will look good with a lot of layers of polish. How did you get on doing it with the shoe brushes as I suggested. I hope it was worth buying some.
    You were lucky the glass didn’t break when it came out the greenhouse. Definitely worth checking the other bits now you know how they’re fitted. YouTube is so handy at times. You can find out how to do most things :-)
    The tiles are coming along nicely, and the artwork from this evening is very colourful. Not sure I’d want to be crafting by torchlight though! Makes a change from sitting home watching telly.
    Quite a busy and definitely varied day for you today.

  2. Certainly was a varied day, it has given me a bit of a headache now. I usually go muted when I go to these classes, thought I would go a bit bolder this time!
    I only did a bit but it seems to be quite successful with the shoe brush, so thanks for the tip.
