Monday 5 March 2018

Visit to Hemel

Today Tina and I left home early as she had to officiate at a funeral in Hull before we set off on the journey to visit my brother and sister in law, my brother has been poorly for a while so Tina had said she would drive me down as she had some leave to use. The first part of the journey went well, we had a break about half way on the M1, we knew there was some congestion ahead so didn't want to be needing the loo then! The congestion had developed into a complete stand still a couple of miles on, we must had been stationery for about twenty minutes!

We arrived in Hemel about 2.30pm and Hazel then cooked us a really nice meal and large dessert! We had a lovely afternoon, Brian and I looked through some old photographs together and we generally caught up with each others news. Hazel kept us supplied with drinks and cake and even made us a sandwich to bring back to the hotel. A nice picture of Brian and I, I did have a few taken with Hazel but she would never speak to me again if I posted one of those, so will settle for just one!!
Hazel suggested we leave the car at there place and she drove us down to the hotel. We will have breakfast with them in the morning before we head home via Peterborough so that I can see my sister as well.
We are in bed with our feet up now, it has been a long day.


  1. Glad the journey to Hull was a good one. Wouldn’t be good for the vicar to be late to officiate! The traffic on the M1 looks more like a car park than a motorway. But 20 minutes is definitely not as bad as some of those that got stuck in the snow for 17 hours!
    Glad you had a nice afternoon with Brian and Hazel. Well worth the trip down. Lovely picture by the way.
    In bed and feet up is good as you’ll have another long day tomorrow.

  2. It was a long day, but turned out to be a good one. Breaking the journey home today in Peterborough. Luckily Tina likes driving. It has been raining in the night and looks a bit dull out, but not too bad for driving.
