Tuesday 13 March 2018

Getting back into the swing

This morning I went along to the shops early and saw the man in the second hand shop. The blanket box is now fully paid for and as I have to be in for other deliveries tomorrow, and for the washing machine to be fixed, he says he will bring it then.
Rob came to do some pruning and clearing all the stuff we have pruned away. We can now see the mahonia clearly as it was being swamped by another shrub. Not the best photo, my camera has got temperamental in certain lights these days.
There are pink flowers appearing in the garden now and it won't be long before we have some daffodils.

Looks like I will get at least one flower on each of the magnolia trees I bought last year and the willow is looking healthier too.

I was going to put something out the back, and through the window I thought that a suicidal frog had decided to come and be a sitting target for Blue. But when I went out to remove it to safety I soon realised that it was dead!
I do like cats most of the time but have always hated the playing and killing, a major downside for me.
When I went up onto the street to be picked up for the craft group there was a lorry parked right near our entrance, luckily it moved just before the lady giving me the lift arrived.
About seven of us at the craft group, next month I am taking a turn at hosting it which will be good. I had bought a hand lettering book a couple of months back, not using calligraphy pens but some fine tip pens, brush pens and even felt pens. I tried a couple of alphabets with the fine tip pens and one with a brush pen.
Doreen dropped me off before the traffic lights rather than turn into Newbegin so I walked past the churchyard, looking very colourful now.

Then past the hole in the road that is still there from when they were trying to get the power reconnected!
I will clear a space for the blanket box and then settle down to a couple of tv programs that I watch regularly.


  1. The garden is starting to get some more colour into it now. I’m looking forward to seeing it in full bloom so to speak. The first picture does look a bit blurred in places. Are you sure you haven’t got a grease mark on the lens from a finger or something. Sometimes you can’t see them very well, but a good clean with a lens cleaner, or good glasses cleaning pad might help it.
    Poor little frog. It certainly does look like it’s just sitting there waiting for something. Cats really are horrible at times!
    I look forward to seeing the blanket box tomorrow night on here.

  2. I think more snow is forecast for the weekend, but I need to start making time to have an hour or so every day trying to get the garden ready for planting!
    If the blanket box doesn't arrive tomorrow people will be thinking it is a pigment of my imagination!!

  3. I just can't work out what a "blanket box" is? I assume it is for keeping blankets, but I seem to have missed the start of the story :(

  4. I have explained about the blanket box in an email, there will be a proper picture of it on here eventually! xx
