Monday 12 March 2018

Heading home

Rachel drove me to the station this morning to start my journey home. I rained and was grey pretty much all day.The buddleia in the railway tracks were dead and needed trimming but were somehow attractive in their own way as well!
Still grey at Doncaster station, in fact at that time it was tipping down but you can't see that in the photo.
The second train got to Hull a little early so I managed to get to the bus and was on my way to Hornsea ten minutes after arriving at Hull. Was having a job keeping awake by this time. I think there has been a lot of rain up here over the weekend because our 'pond' on the drive has grown!
Going to add one picture from the London trip as there were great illustrations on the window of a cafe bar near the theatre.
I went down the shop for a few bits and was going to call in and finish paying for the blanket box (which hasn't been delivered, so still no picture) but the shop was closed. 
Tina had to go out and she was expecting a delivery so I sat downstairs in the dining room. Think the cats were pleased to see me and for the first time since we have had her Blue actually got on my lap for a little while. Slightly odd photo taken on my phone.
Rachel bought me a tee shirt, not her mum obviously but we are very good friends. Tried it on when I got home, really nice.
Tina and Darren had got me some tee shirts too which she gave to me this afternoon.
Anya took me out for a lovely meal yesterday and got me some toiletries and Lee was in touch, Mother's day is in May in America so he did well to remember. So, I was very lucky and have had a great weekend away.


  1. It’s surprising what manages to grow on and alongside railway tracks. I quite like seeing what I can spot when I’m on a train. Doncaster station doesn’t look very big. A bit like Peterborough. Not so large and noisy as York. You made very good time on your journey home. Bet you were looking forward to having the blanket box, so pity it hadn’t arrived. I was looking forward to seeing a pic too. Maybe tomorrow.
    Looks like Blue sat on your knee to make sure you didn’t dessert him again. They obviously miss you, or the fact you spoil them :-)
    Glad you had a good Mother’s Day weekend, and lots of pressies too, which is always a bonus.

  2. It was a trouble free journey home and neither train nor the bus were too crowded which was an added bonus.
    If I catch him tomorrow and give him the rest of the cash hopefully I will have the blanket box soon.
    I think it is definitely cupboard love from the cats, it was quite cute when she come onto my lap though.
