Tuesday 31 January 2017

I stayed in during the morning doing a bit more sorting and listening to some music, I am going through the cds and if I am not keen on them any more I will put them with the boot sale stuff. I went down to check the jigsaw map and it had held together, I turned it over and put a coat of varnish on the back.
I caught the bus into town at lunchtime as I had an appointment to give blood. I have been trying to eat iron rich food for a while so that I don't get refused! I was quizzed a bit about the surgery but they decided I could give blood this session and even better no problem with my iron level. On the way to the session I saw a gull 'dancing' in the park opposite the station. Not a great picture but I was fascinated when learnt what they were doing.
I saw these gulls doing a jig a long time ago and wondered what they were doing, then I discovered that when the ground is damp they stamp repeatedly to imitate the rain and therefore bring the worms to the surface! After giving blood I walked up to Sainsbury's and did a bit of shopping, and as the timing wasn't right for catching a bus in town I decided to walk home rather that call a taxi. I was struggling by the time I got home, more from the injury I inflicted on myself yesterday that from the ankle, although that was complaining a bit too, and it was really cold, damp and horrid out. I passed the windmill on the way back, I haven't seen it for a while as I haven't walked along Victoria Road lately.
The back of the puzzle had dried this afternoon so got Darren to take a picture of me holding it, just for fun!
I have booked to catch the train down to Peterborough on Thursday as I haven't been contacted regarding the surgery and it may be a while before I get down again. Will stay with Rachel and hopefully catch up with most of my family and friends there.


  1. Quite a bit of walking today for you, which isn't bad considering you've got two bad legs! Most people in that situation would be sat at home watch telly in the warm, but where's the fun in that? :-) Glad the blood doning went OK as I know you really like to give it as often as you can, and it's disappointing if you get there and don't get past the drop test. What would we do without liver and spinach? :-) The puzzle looks good and is a bit bigger than I'd thought it would be. Definitely a keeper for the wall. All you need is a space big enough.

    Looking forward to seeing you at the weekend, it's always nice. Sorry I won't be able to give you any lifts :-(

    1. Yes, quite a strenuous day for me!! Have put the puzzle away fr now, will worry about framing it some time later!
