Tuesday 24 January 2017

I had a very large bag of odd material and wadding to take to the community centre along with some other bits. Darren helped me wedge the bag into my trolley as I had thought that I would take it there myself and then call in at the studio on the way back. I cut through the gap and took a look at the north bay today. The sea was calm and the mist was almost gone.

 I haven't walked into town often of late, but managed okay, unloaded the goods and then called in to see Sandy. We had a chat and I told her about my trip to London. They have some really small pet bowls, I decided to paint one, but not for a pet!!

I walked back home, had a bit of lunch and hung up the washing I had put on before I went out. Then I caught the bus to town as I had a large parcel of material to send off to my god-daughter. Made a hair appointment for tomorrow while I was in town and as there was quite a while to wait for a bus I walked home. Came down Dean Road and called in at Let it Brie. He hadn't got any of the smoked cheese but I got some blue cheese and some stuffed peppers!
I watched a Dr Blake and then went down and tried to do a bit of the puzzle. Only put in about ten pieces, it will take some time but I will persevere. Maybe I will do a bit more sorting tonight, I am in the mood to get things a lot better organised and a lot less of it!!


  1. Really like the second picture of the bay. Nice light and composition, shame about your shadow being in it, but not much you can do to stop that. That bay has supplied a lot a great pictures since you've been there.
    Like the little bowl. Hard to judge the size, but bet it won't hold a small fortune. Although having said that, 5p's would soon add up in there, or better still pound coins. I think we get a new pound coin a bit later in the year, so it'll be a good excuse to collect a few.

  2. It is a small bowl, for a cat or even smaller animal. I have different pigs for different coins but often leave the money on the side when I empty my purse, so thought this it might make me be a little less haphazzard with it!
