Sunday 29 January 2017

A lovely bright day today, although cold and frosty. Looking out of the window this morning we have an unruly bush that looks like a bunch of twigs, but it has amazing little blossoms appearing all over it! I went out quite early so took pictures as I left.

I had to be careful on the pavements and in the park as the frost made the surfaces quite slippery. The sun on the bare trees made them appear almost autumnal.
I had recently bought a bag of duck food and another of squirrel food, took both along with me. The swans and ducks loved the pellets, should have taken more out with me! I fed this duck after I had taken his picture.
All around the park and in the glen the men have been marking the areas that need repairing, there are a lot!
The glen was quiet and no squirrels around to feed, although the ducks quite enjoyed some of the squirrel food when I ran out of the pellets.
I was enjoying the effect of the sun on and through the trees today.

Rather than walk back the same way I decided I would go back this way,,,,
Good job there was a bench quite near the top! One more stunning one of the sun on the trees as I neared the top.
I have spent about five hours on the puzzle today, and still haven't completed it. I decided to get all the pieces put out in shape order, so that I could (hopefully) get more pieces put it!

By the end of the session I was this far, will attempt to complete it tomorrow.
Amazingly it doesn't get any easier as the pieces get less, but should be on the home straight now. The down side is that all the standing and then getting dinner have played havoc with my ankle! Listening to the cd by 'Lotus Classics'. the group I saw at Covent Garden. Call the Midwife later.


  1. The sun shining through those trees make for some lovely pictures. Where I walk isn't really tree lined, so I don't get to see that myself. The park is a very handy place for you, and the duck were pleased to see you too I bet. Those steps look a real killer, specially with a bad ankle and knee. You don't make life easy for yourself :-)
    The puzzle is looking good, and very near to completion. I'd have a rest from puzzles for a while if I were you!

  2. I enjoyed taking slightly different pictures and it made for a lovely walk. Smaller more straightforward puzzle if I crack open another one!
