Thursday 5 January 2017

I bought a puzzle storage container the other day, it has six trays so that you can sort out colours, edges etc, six trays that can stack, so quite useful. Yesterday evening I sorted out the edge pieces of the Scarborough street map puzzle and separated some of the colours.
This morning I had my appointment at the hospital to check I am fit for surgery. Lots of questions and tests and high blood pressure readings with lots of beeping! The nurse got a different machine and It was in the normal range, but she suggested I go and see the gp and get it checked again to be on the safe side. She did also say that the original readings were high, but not high enough for me not to have the surgery. She also thinks I will be okay to come home and get up the stairs as long as I have a rail, take my time and have somebody with me. Now it is just wait for an appointment.As I made my way to the pre assessment department I had to go across a walkway which was more like an airport that a hospital.

 We were expecting a delivery and as Darren and Tina were going out for the afternoon I took the jigsaw downstairs as it is impossible for me to get down quickly enough to take in packages from the second floor. I did get the edge done, minus one piece which I obviously missed. Didn't take a picture, will take one when it is progressing. After the delivery I came up and watched an episode of House and did a bit to the long stitch picture. Then on a whim I decided to make a pattern for the cushion chair back and ended up making it. Bit of a tight fit but think it will look okay when I get the seat cushion done as well.
Darren and Tina went to York and they remembered me saying I wanted a letter rack. They bought me frame which I can peg unanswered letters on. That will be different, I don't have a particular place for letters I have read but still need to reply to.
 A new Death in Paradise tonight, that should be enjoyable.


  1. Good news from the hospital. You'll be much better off at home convalescing, and I'm sure Darren and Tina will be more than happy to run about after you :-) Make the most of it. Hopefully you'll get the appointment very soon.
    The puzzle tray is good, but it would be so much funkier if they're have made it so the six trays actually interlock together like a puzzle when you take them out the box!
    Didn't take you long to get around to starting on the chair. Didn't think it would though. I like the pattern.
    The letter rack is unusual, never seen one like that before.

  2. They do interlock when out of the box, quite funky jigsaw shaped trays. I have a letter I have to respond to on the rack already. I think the cushions will look good on the chair when they are both covered.
