Monday 16 January 2017

The free wifi is very limited here so will just do a picture free post while I am away. The coach left at 7.20 am and we eventually got to the hotel at 6.10 pm, so a long day, but I did doze quite a bit while we were travelling. We did pick ups at Filey and Bridlington and then at the services which amusingly were Woodall Services. Apart from living in Woodall Avenue I have never heard of it anywhere else! I rained really hard and only stopped as we were in out way to the city centre. That was a surprise really, and we only had a couple of hours, the coach was parked on Park Lane. I had a wander round Hyde Park, then walked back down Park Lane. There was a great war memorial in the middle of the road dedicated to animals that lost their lives in conflict. I had a coffee in Park Cafe, which in part of the Dorchester group. They didn't have a loo but I was allowed in the actual Dorchester hotel to use theirs, shown in by a smart footman!! A cuppa now and get ready for dinner, which is at 7.30 for out group, and breakfast is at 7 am!! Maybe I will have the energy to add a photo as well tomorrow, but don't hold your breath.......


  1. That's a long old day. You could have made it to America in that time! I'm sure you'll have a good time while you're there. Breakfast at 7am is a bit early, so you'll not be getting much of a lay in. Have good time tomorrow, and I'll look forward to a pic if you get chance to upload one. Also depends how quick the wifi is too. But you'll soon add a few when you get home.
    Have fun.

  2. Been a better day after a bad night, will update the blog ine a bit.
