Thursday 19 January 2017

I had a bed night, but not because of any noise, my knee was really painful and I had to get up in the night to take pills!! The ankle is still bad, but that doesn't really hurt when I am in bed. I strapped it up and didn't take the coach, I went to the South Quay DLR station and went to Greenwich, getting off at the Cutty Sark station. Very near to the ship, and the entrance of the underground walkway beneath the river. I saw a few cyclists go in, wasn't tempted to try it though!
That domed building is the entrance to the walkway, there is one the same the other side.. I had a wander around and popped into the market, but it is not fully operational on a Thursday. I walked up to The Queen's House, which had paintings in, and the house itself is interesting with a fascinating history.
The view from the house was good too.
The Great Hall was not huge, but quite striking.
Lots of paintings, mostly portraits and naval scenes. This bust of Sir Walter Raglegh in terracotta was eye catching.
Made my way back to the hotel after I had grabbed a bit of lunch. Went and had a swim again this afternoon. Looking forward to dinner, and packing to do tonight.


  1. Another nice day for you, apart from the ankle :-( You've not let it keep you in though which is good. Looks like it was nice weather too from the nice blue skies in the photos. Was it just the amount of walking that put you off going under the Thames, or the thought of a deluge filling the tunnel? :-)
    Overall a nice few days away, but it'll be nice to get home too. I know three cats that will have missed you. I hope they've not left you any little presents for your return!
    Hope the trip tomorrow isn't too tiring.

  2. I was actually quite tempted with the walk under the Thames but knew that it was not a good idea to try while I am having the mobility problems, definitely something I would like to do at some point. Long journey today but home safely now.
