Friday 13 January 2017

                                                            Winter arrives!The Marine Drive was closed last night because of the expected huge tides and stormy weather. In fact it was still closed today and I have been told that most places have battened down and have storm protection up. First thing today the snow had arrived and the wind was up again.
I have been concerned about getting up the stairs when I have had the surgery, much as the nurse had been dismissive and said I could 'hop' up as long as I had someone with me. There is a banister one side, but quite high for me. I tried the going up normally on one leg and could not get enough purchase to manage even one stair. So sat on my bottom to see if I could come up that way, the stairs are quite steep and again, I could not get enough purchase to even lift myself one stair. We will be looking into other ideas, once I am up here I will be fine as I won't have to go anywhere until I can weigh bear a bit. After that somewhat unsuccessful experiment I thought I would catch the bus and go to the studio, The snow was melting fast but the paths had been icy and the lawn out front still had bits of ice all over it.

Sandy had no other customers in at the studio and I had decided to paint the large elf that I purchased before Christmas. Sandy did a bit of painting as well and we had a couple of drinks and a bit of lunch. It took me over two hours painting and he is now ready to go in the kilm.
Sandy had a tooth out a couple of day ago and she has an infection in her mouth so I minded the studio while she went off for a dentist appointment. I cut through to look down at the sea on the way home, the amount of foam was quite spectacular today and the tide was right in again.

Took a few photos, quite a lot of other people were there with the same idea, and the traffic was much heavier than usual due to the lower road being closed.

I had a cuppa and a chat with Tina when I got home, before she went away for her training weekend. I have watched a couple more episodes of House and must now start thinking about what I want to take with me on my coach trip next week. Will finish with a wintry sky.


  1. How about a hoist and rope to winch you up the stairs? :-) Seriously though, I hope there turns out to be a way to achieve it, as you'll be better off at home than elsewhere.
    Love the little elf. Bet that'll look really good when it's fired. Have you got a position in mind for it yet?
    The sea is really foamy. It always amazes me just how powerful water is! Bet there weren't any surfers about today, although they're probably daft enough! Makes you feel lucky for living at the top of the town where the sea can't get at you. Bet The Watermark wasn't open today.
    Hopefully the sun will return next week for your trip, but you better pack a mac just in case!

  2. A hoist would be funny!!
    I used sparkly paint on the elf so he should look bright and cute. Haven't decided whether to keep him or make him a present for someone next year.
    The sound and look of the sea was amazing today.

  3. If someone held your bad leg and you sat on your bottom push the other heel a step at a time with your hands either side, with your will power you can do it.
    That water looks very cold. Surprised you even went out so dangerous even here.mwe stayed home all day not worth risking a fall. Hope to see you Tuesday in London. Will phone you tonight.x

  4. I tried the bottom thing as well, and just couldn't get enough lift, and that was without a foot in a pot which will no doubt be painful. Have been to the mobility centre and will get in touch with the hospital. Talk to you later. x
