Sunday 22 January 2017

I haven't been out today,needed to rest the ankle and knee, I think it has helped a bit. I will catch up on today in a bit, but I have been going through the photos from the trip so will post a few of them. On the way down we had a short stop in London, next to Hyde Park. Lots of schools had games lessons going on in the park which is brilliant.
The Serpentine was fenced off for reconstruction work which was a pity, but it meant I saw these very unusual ducks on the grass.
A quick look at Marble Arch and then I wandered back down Park Lane.
I mentioned the war memorial for animals, the driver on the way home gave us some information about it. The pack horses are making there way towards the gap which represents the gates of heaven.

Through the gap were a horse and dog, free from their shackles and happy.
On the Tuesday I went on the Emirates Air Line and this is Brian and Hazel.
Better put a picture of sunset over Canary Wharf!
Today, as I said, I haven't been out. I did a bit to the puzzle whilst getting dinner and for a while afterwards. It is really so much more difficult than I thought it would be.
But I will persevere! This afternoon I decided that I needed to start getting rid of some stuff, so started on the bookshelves on the landing. I have three bags ready to go to the charity shop, so not a bad start.


  1. Never really thought of schools using the major parks for sports lessons, but I suppose it makes perfect sense as they're so large. I just think of them as places with people walking around with dogs! Not so sure about the horses and the gates to heaven.
    Bet you still have lots of pics to go through. Are you going to get a special one enlarged as a souvenir?
    I thought that puzzle would be a lot easier than the last one you did, but I'm not sure now. Keep plodding at it.

  2. The inscription was 'they had no choice, but actually, nor did the soldiers in those days! Hadn't thought about getting one enlarged, but it's a good idea.
