Monday 30 January 2017

This morning I went down with the intention of finishing the puzzle. I was still struggling and at one point was counting the pieces as I was sure some were missing! After another two hours it was complete. If it hadn't have been a gift, and was a map of the local area, it would not have been finished at all, not that enjoyable. Also, as it is a local map it would be good to mount it up and keep it, but it is not an interlocking puzzle and tough one peace and move half a dozen at least! Thought I might try and slide paper under it later.
I had read an article in a magazine singing the praises of Scarborough. Very interesting and it recommended a cafe that I have never been too, especially the chips, so the urge to go and try in was there! I caught the bus into town and walked up to the Stephen Joseph Theatre, the cafe was 'just behind the theatre building. It was on Hanover Street, a very short road and I have never walked down it, but knew it by name after doing the puzzle. The new eating place was called Eat Me Cafe and the staff and everything about it was delightful. Waitress served, teapots with knitted cosies little milk churns for the milk and a good menu. They only usually serve the chips with a main meal but were happy for me to have a portion and a cup of tea. They were good chips!
It was very busy even though it is off the beaten track, a good recommendation. Opposite was a great little, very reasonable, charity shop run by the League of Friends of Scarborough Hospital. Had a look round and got a mug to give to someone else as it was very appropriate and a dvd for £1 the two. The other end of the road came out near the police station, I haven't walked up that end of town for quite a while. My ankle was really sore, but I took it steady and got home okay, buying a pot of hyacinths on the way from a nice little florists.
Had a bit of a rest when I got in and then went down to try and get paper under the puzzle. Really difficult and didn't get it right under, but round all the edges. Dislodged several pieces quite a few times so the air was a bit blue!
I have now varnished it and hope it doesn't get stuck to the carrier. I am usually impatient, but will wait until tomorrow to see if it has worked. One of the pieces was sticking up so thought I would push it back in and a piece of the picture came off on my finger - oops! Only a small bit and I should be able to disguise it if the puzzle survives.
I knocked something onto the floor earlier, flopped down to pick it up and had a crunch/click, sounded a bit like a snap in the back of my knee! It is painful at the moment, but hopefully nothing too serious, I am a walking wreck!!


  1. Quite a busy day with exploring, tasting and puzzling. I really like the sound of the little cafe, and if I ever up up there again I'll add it to my list.
    The puzzle really would look good framed and hung, so let's hope it stays together and doesn't stick to the board either!
    So easy to twist muscles, joints etc. Take it easy.

  2. Made the day interesting going down a new road and finding it a little treasure. It will be good if the puzzle holds together, it did take some doing!
