Saturday 21 January 2017

I haven't done a great deal today, did quite a lot of walking around while away and really need to rest up both ankle and knee as they are causing me quite a bit of discomfort at the moment. Don't regret making the trip though, saw quite a lot and did a few new things, the hotel was pretty good as was the food. Although it was extra to use the pool and leisure facilities they were also very good compared to most hotels, the pool especially, which was a pretty good size. Tina was out to lunch today so Darren and I had lunch at the supermarket and then both of us did a fair sized shop. 
While I was away I bought the book 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' by Truman Capote. I have never read it, and although I really like Audrey Hepburn don't think I had ever seen the film either. Anyway, this morning I finished reading it as it is really very short, and this afternoon I watched it after I had unpacked the shopping. A lot of the film was true to the book but the ending was completely different, but that didn't spoil it as it was the ideal ending really. There are two other very short stories by Truman Capote in the book, so will read them as well.
On the way home yesterday, at the second rest stop, there were wooden ducks on sale in the Smith's shop. I know I need more 'stuff' like dieters need boxes of cream cakes, but I bought one anyway.
How cute! On the way to the shop earlier Darren stopped outside the studio so that I could collect the elf I had painter the week before I went away. He is quite cute too.
Haven't decided if he is a keeper or a present yet, will give it some thought. 
Tina has told me about a cello and violin concert at  a local church this evening, so we are planning to go along.  I love cello music and like the violins too, so it should be a good evening.


  1. You did have quite a busy week, so I'm not surprised you're suffering for it now. Hopefully the day will come soon when you can do whatever you want, writhing reason, and it won't hurt. Within any luck that'll be summer at the latest, so let's hope we have some good weather.
    The duck was definitely one of those items that say buy me, buy me. You just had too, it's cute. I really like the elf too. That's turned out really nicely, and I think you should find a permanent spot for it and hang on to it.
    I hope the recital was good.

  2. A couple of days not doing to much will hopefully settle the aches and pains down a bit. The recital was very good and the acoustics were good in the church.
