Friday 6 January 2017

I caught the bus into town again this morning. Timetables are usually difficult to read, if there is one, which at my usual bus stop there hasn't been. But today they had stuck on the most simplified and easy to read one I have ever seen!!
When I got home I started to make a pattern for the box cushion, I thought it was an easy job, that was to prove optimistic a bit later as I will explain in a bit. Tina had gone to the hairdresser that I now go to and even had the same stylist. She got on well and was pleased with the cut. The plumber turned up to check the shower. He went down and  made sure that the fuses weren't the culprit, they weren't. He took it all apart and said that it needs to be replaced!! He can get one on Monday and is coming to fit it on Tuesday afternoon. Not impressed with how long the one in place lasted, but it will be good to be sorted before the surgery. Tina and I went to get some shopping for the weekend then when we got back I carried on with the cushion cover. The pattern didn't really work, I had to keep making alterations as I went along. It is covered now but it is not a good fit. I will look into making a better pattern before I attempt to recover the cushions.
I still need to get a bolt the right size to fix one of the arms and I need to clean and polish it. Then I have to work out if I can re-jig my room so that I can have it upstairs.


  1. What a great bus time table. It should be law that they're all like that, because as you say they're usually not that easy to read. Not that I use them much, but will start to before long, and the eyesight isn't getting any better!
    The chair hadn't turned out too bad, but at least you'll know what to alter when you make the 'proper' covers.
    Glad the shower is getting sorted out. The down side is you'll have to start washing again :-)

    1. Definitely the way bus time tables should look, nothing the least bit ambiguous with that one! I am pleased to have the chair with two matching cushions at least, a project for later in the year to have another attempt!!
