Sunday 8 January 2017

I took a photo this morning which just amused me really, as the reflection of my lampshade was on the window and it make an unusual shot.
Before I got up I had been thinking about the cover for the box cushion, which had been way too loose, and although I really didn't want to unpick it and correct it I felt I had to. It is difficult to get the bulky cushion out and back in, but I took the seams in a bit and now it is a better fit than it was. It doesn't help that it is really slightly too big for the chair so scrunches up at the sides.
I would like to have it up here now, but still have to think quite how I can arrange things so that I have room to move!I got dinner for lunchtime as Tina had been out all morning and had evening meetings too. It had been a lovely day so thought I would have a walk, it had actually clouded over by the time I went out and my ankle was really painful today so I didn't get very far. The quality of light was lovely over the bay, sort of misty but clear, hard to explain.
The sea was in and quite foamy, looked cold down there as I was on the cliff top.
I walked along the cliff away from the town, this picture is from one of the shelters along the top, but sadly they have no seats in them now, they were often a mess as they had become a gathering place for the drinkers I think.
I walked along the cliff path, looking down at the derelict war game venue, which is now, as far as I know, going to become and cinema and shopping area.
I cut back and came through the grounds of the bowling club. This view was from there across the town, you can even see the windmill in the distance.
In the grounds there is this rather unusual boarded up building, I wonder what it's origins are.
I have been watching some episodes of House, had to sit on the opposite end of my sofa as a certain young cat had made herself at home where I usually sit!
Sherlock tonight, always good.


  1. For a short walk out you managed to see and photograph quite a few different things. The small boarded up building looks a bit like a small garage of some description. Probably for a tiny fire engine :-)
    Looks quite wintery by the bay, but still nice to get out there.
    Kick the day off and put your feet up!

  2. I like the idea of a small fire engine!! Just watched Sherlock, very weird and good.
