Wednesday 4 January 2017

Yesterday evening I used the new headphones, they were comfortable and the sound was good. I am not a bit fan of headphones but am really pleased with them. I started doing some sorting and clearing this morning as I have a build up of stuff with nowhere for it to live! I have filled one large bag ready to take to the charity shop and am sure I will find more! I had a package to send off so caught the bus into town at lunchtime. After I had sent the package I walked up to the material shop as I had thought that for now I would buy some material that looked like patchwork, maybe will actually make more covers when I am feeling more inclined. They only had one fabric with enough left on the roll, but I like it and may get started on covering the cushions soon.
I did look at the jigsaw then decided it was just too much of a challenge so packed it back in the tube and it is now in the charity bag! I was given a couple of needlework kits at Christmas, one is done in long stitch which I have never done before, but it is Anne Hathaway's cottage and I am attracted to it, so have made a start. But may not do any in artificial light as the canvas is a very fine weave.
It isn't very big, the needle is at the top which gives an idea of scale. I have my pre op appointment at the hospital tomorrow so need to make a list of questions! I did a bit of ironing this afternoon but other than that a pretty quiet and uneventful day.


  1. The material looks nice, and much easier than cutting all those shapes out and doing it yourself. You will eventually though, I'm sure. Shame you didn't get the puzzle completed, but you gave it a really good try. Now it's needle craft! Don't you ever rest? :-)
    Good luck tomorrow.

  2. I have sorted out the Scarborough street map puzzle pieces, so may start that today! Thanks, will let you know how the appointment goes.
