Sunday 1 January 2017

Last night Darren and I drove down to the front as it was raining pretty hard. But we got out of the car at ten minutes to twelve and walked along the beach towards the bonfires. They were along in front of the beach huts. At one point we had fireworks going off in front and behind us on the beach, despite the weather it was good fun to be there. We had a hot drink in the car, watching more fireworks before we came home.
This morning I prepared lots of vegetables, some for the soup I was making with the turkey stock and also for dinner this evening. Put a load of washing on while I was pottering. It was a pretty miserable day today, wet and windy, but thought it would be nice to go to the park and see if there were any squirrels about. I am calling the next picture Beauty and the Beast but not sure which is which!!
It did rain a lot last night and it was obvious in the glen as the water was gushing over the rocks in the glen.
A couple of photos from different angles to usual I think.

I did see some Squirrels and fed them, quite a few other people feeding them too. I walk a bit further into the glen and went up a different path, mainly  because there were a couple of squirrels there that were pleased to get some monkey nuts.
On the way back I took this picture of Mr and Mrs Mallard!!
I have watched some Dr Blake this afternoon and also managed to put a whole seven pieces into the puzzle!! Went down and blitzed the veggies in the soup, and that is now ready ad tastes pretty good. We had a nice roast beef dinner. I will go down and watch the new Sherlock program with Darren and Tina a bit later.


  1. Glad you made it to the beach. It just makes it that bit more special by doing that. I was asleep before new year, but woke up not long after 12 because of the noise from the fireworks! Didn't bother getting out of bed to look at them though.
    The park looks nice as usual. In fact it looks like a nice day, although I'm sure it was really cold. Photos are quite deceiving! I like the beauty and the beast picture, it works well.
    Enjoy Sherlock. Not sure if I'm watching it tonight or on catchup, so don't tell me what happens :-)

  2. Yes, I was glad we still went. It was a bit damp and the wind was cold, but it is quite sheltered in the glen. I won't let on, that is if I manage to stay awake through the whole program anyway!
