Friday 20 January 2017

The usual early breakfast this morning, and then finishing off the packing. We were loaded up and off into the city at 9.30 am. The driver parked near Covent Garden, but not near enough for me not to be a bit worried about getting myself lost even though I had the guide/map book which has proved very useful this week. I did find my way to Covent Garden itself, have only been there a couple of times before and really pleased to go again today.
There was a great group of youngsters playing classical music, I took a video of them and bought a cd.
I went in a few of the shops and had a coffee in a very nice little cafe. Walking back I noticed this unusual shop name.
Shots of a couple of attractive, but very different buildings.

We had a couple of stops, the second one longer than expected as we were changing coaches and the other one was late. Back to Scarborough at 7.30 pm. It has been a good trip despite the fact that neither my knee or ankle agree!!


  1. I love Covent Garden. I remember standing up where you took the first picture, listening to an opera singer. She was so good and had such a powerful voice. Not been there for a few years though. Should have known you'd buy the players cd. Bet it's great to listen too though. Really bright music.
    You've had a long day, but hopefully you'll get to relax a bit tomorrow and let the legs recover a bit.

  2. It is a great place, lovely, unusual little shops too and interesting stuff in the market. Will be good to be in my own bed tonight.
