Tuesday 17 January 2017

Had a seriously bad evening night, the water was tepid so a practically cold bath and then when I went to bed there was a continuous loud hum from somewhere outside, but in the night I was up and down seeing if it was inside!! Ended up on the floor as far away from the window as possible! Had to be up early anyway because of the early breakfast slot. Went to reception after breakfast and explained the situation, I had looked out of the window and was above the heating or air conditioning set up. Anyway they changed my room but that meant I had to pack everything up again and move it myself. I think this room seems quieter, fingers crossed! I had a bit of a wander round before my brother and his wife arrived just after 11 am. We walked to Canary Wharf and had a bit of lunch there and then we set off for the Emirates Air Line. Fantastic, will try and post a couple of pictures
After that we went on the Docklands light railway which I had taken a photo of earlier.
Even had a quick swim when I got back, so a pretty good day although the ankle has not been at all happy. Lovely to have such a nice time with Brian and Hazel.


  1. It's good you got a different room, but if you get to fill in comment forms from the hotel or the tour company, then you should mention it. I hope you get a better nights sleep tonight, preferably in bed and not on the floor :-)
    I really like the look of the cable car. I fancy a go in that! Is it a very short ride, or a reasonable length? Not sure if I dare ask how much it costs, I think it would scare me :-)
    I won't say have a good day tomorrow, because I know you will.

    1. It wasn't that dear and about 8 minutes I think, we got returns so went both ways. Did sleep better thank you.

  2. Go on!! Tell him, unbelievable price. Excellent, the sun shone although cold. You can have a wonderful day out at very little cost in London if you so wish. We should all go more..Hope the room was better. Xx

    1. It was great value and a great day. Room is so much better. x
