Thursday 12 January 2017

The plumbers arrived bright and early and started on the heating and the shower which was a pleasant surprise. They had thought the  heating would be the problem fix but as it turned out that went very smoothly and we now have a lovely warm house. The shower looked like a quick job replacing the unit with an identical new one. But no water was coming through. After many checks an electrician was called in and after several hours the shower was working as well. I had some lunch and took a walk down to the front, although I had missed the best of the weather as it had been bright and sunny first thing. The sea was still very foamy and rough.

I had a cup of tea at the Watermark cafe and was interested that they were putting what looked like shelf fronts outside. The told me it was storm protection for the very strong high tide expected in the night.
Another shot of the sea as I was walking home.
They have started the demolition work at the old war games place in readiness for the new leisure complex. You could see the pile of rubble from the old entrance.
I got a bit of essential shopping in the local shop, then when I got in decided to crack on with the puzzle and try and get the sea finished. I was well over an hour working on it and was convinced more than once that I hadn't found all of the pieces!! But, now I just have the actual streets to do which I doubt will be easy, but the puzzle has lots of different shaped pieces so that helps when you are stuck on a particular gap!

 I have watched a couple of episodes of House but have been sat reading for a bit now. I got a second hand book from the charity stall in Wilko's earlier in the week and am really enjoying it. It is called 'It had to be you' and is by June Francis. Set in Liverpool just after the war and very evocative of the time. I had a phone call this afternoon offering me a date for my surgery, but it is the day before my ultrasound appointment. When I explained the lady said they would contact me with another date after I have had the ultrasound which the surgeon had requested. Maybe House, or maybe finish the book this evening. Decisions, decisions! The sky earlier was lovely, but they haven't been as spectacular of late.


  1. A very eventful day for you then, but lots of good stuff done. Great that the heating and shower are finally sorted. Bet you're looking forward to being able to use both!
    Shame the hospital date couldn't go ahead, but better to wait for the ultrasound. Does bode well though for getting it booked pretty quickly though. Fingers crossed.
    Really like the look of that jigsaw, not sure why really, it must just be that it's a local map for you. Hope it mounts ok when you finish it.

  2. It looks quite strange that aerial view, we know the two bays are close that really accentuates it. Yes, good to get those problems sorted out.
