Sunday 15 January 2017

The weather has been pretty miserable today, grey and wet with no sign of brightness. I have had the day indoors, might have ventured out if it had cleared up a bit, but had stuff to do, getting ready for the trip to London and getting my case packed. Also did a bit of housework so that I come back to a fairly tidy place, I hat coming home to chaos, even if it is my chaos!!I have now watched all seven seasons of House, a very good program, still not sure if I love or hate him, but great acting from the whole cast.
I did a bit more to the jigsaw this afternoon, but have packed it all away tidily for now. I sorted out some of the main labels of important points of interest. They are separate in one of the blue trays, really pleased I got that sorting and storage set as it does make it easier when you are leaving a puzzle 'in progress'.
The asparagus fern that I have seems to really love it's position out on the landing. I have had one get a ridiculously long frond before, that I had going across the ceiling, but have never had one produce quite so many long fronds as this one.
The arrangement of plants I had at Christmas and then re-potted have been mainly successful. The peace lily is doing well, which I am happy about as I really like them, the little fir tree and the ivy are also doing well, but the cyclamen has died. I have never been successful with a cyclamen yet!
There is limited wifi at the hotel this week in public areas. Will take the chrome book and hopefully do the blog, maybe not with photos. Will do some longer, pictorial posts when I get back if that is the case.
Looking forward to the final Sherlock tonight, should be good.


  1. Snap, I had the say in as well. Too miserable to go out. That's both me and the weather!
    Hope the plants will get watered while you're away, but I'm sure they'll survive even if they don't.
    Hope you have comfortable trip there, and all goes well. I know you'll find plenty to do, plenty to look at, and plenty to photograph. Fingers crossed the weather is kind to you.
    Sherlock was a bit weird again. I hope they go back to the old formula next series.

  2. It was very weird! All set to go now, so like you say, hope the weather is kind. London, here I come!!
