Thursday 26 January 2017

I have remained on my de-cluttering theme and carried on this morning. The pile of stuff for a boot sale is growing and the recycling bin is full! I had worked out the buses for getting to the hospital then Darren suggested we went and had lunch and then he would drop me off and I would just get the bus home. We both had soup and a roll, Darren tomato and me a lentil dahl. We had time to look at the storage boxes there and I bought one large plastic one and a set of three smaller ones.
I had ordered some cardboard boxes this morning, hopefully they will come and I can get some packing done before I have the surgery. The ultra sound was okay I think, I was face down and could hear the doctor and a nurse discussing what was wrong with my ankle and comparing it to the other one! The nurse said I will get a letter from the surgeon. 
I had been going to get a new weekend case in town, but when I checked the bus times I was just in time for one at 3.05 pm and the next one wasn't until 4.25 pm! Ankle and knee have both been painful today so I didn't fancy walking back so caught the first one.
Have been to the little local cinema this evening with Sandy, Donna and little Amy. We went to see La La Land, only about a dozen people in there and our tickets were free as they pay for advertising for the studio and get a pass for 4 tickets a month. I did enjoy the film but cannot really see why it got all the Oscar nominations.
Sandy said my little bowl is ready so I may try and collect it tomorrow then go into town and get the case while they are still on offer.


  1. All the decluttering is good, but you'll end up cluttered with boxes :-) Doesn't seem long since you were doing all this in Peterborough to move up there! Time flies way too quickly.
    At least now the ultrasound is out the way it should be surgery ad the next step, and fingers crossed that won't be long. Hopefully surgery, moving and everything else won't all coincide.
    Look forward to seeing the little bowl.

  2. Not only boxes, I need to find somewhere to put the mountain of stuff for the boot sale! Hopefully surgery before the end of February so that I can be almost fit if the move does happen in May!
