Tuesday 15 October 2024

My ‘get up and go’ ‘got up and went!’

Have had a day of feeling under par, no particular reason, just lacking energy and inclination! On the plus side I have worn the new glasses all day and my face isn’t too sore.
I have been out three times, two short trips into the town and a longer one this afternoon when I had a package to send so off to the post office and back via the sea. I did get some washing done but not a lot else that was constructive.
I went out and checked the hedgehog house, the food I put there yesterday morning was gone, but not necessarily eaten by visiting hedgehogs! The hay hadn’t been disturbed.
So a couple of photos of the sea, one of the leaves in the park and a couple of sketches. Not more waffling from me today.


  1. You have my sympathies regarding the lack of get up and go. I feel like that a lot of the time myself. Really good news that the glasses appear to be better after the adjustments. It would have been bad if you couldn’t have worn them.
    Look on the bright, it might have been hedgehogs that ate the food. Maybe they have several new properties to look at in the area before they choose one. They may be back 🦔 😊
    You always get different shots of the shoreline. They never get boring. You have a good eye for a composition. The sketches look really good again too. You do make me jealous 🙂

  2. Feel a bit more awake this morning, so hope it lasts.
    I like that rocky beach, don’t often go on it these days. It was pretty cold and blowy there yesterday.
