Friday 4 October 2024

Visit day

I was a bit slow off the mark this morning as my legs had been particularly painful last night, but they soon settled when I was up and about. I did a couple of chores  and then went to see Bel. She was okay but is definitely struggling more to get about, even let’s me carry the cups of tea now.
We had a good chat as we both watch Heartbeat and Strictly and I put a few pieces on her latest jigsaw. I went to the shop on the way home then got on with lunch. I was visiting Jean today as she is not very well so I walked down to see her, bought some flowers at the florist on the way. She still can’t do a lot and I think she is really struggling emotionally as well as coping with the pain after surgery. But we had a good natter and Terry made us our drinks. He is very clever and gave me the cutest little brooch, he has been carving odd pieces of firewood into gonks and mice.
Jean insisted on him giving me a lift home! I went into the garden to freshen the bird baths, lots of leaves landing in them at the moment. Took a picture of some antirrhinums that had self sewn in the path and some Michaelmas daisies which always remind me of my primary school.
I am going to try and use the little sketchbook every day, not sure how long that will last!
I made some more of my ‘healthy’ slices as I have one for breakfast now. 
Got the shopping packed away and just having a relaxing evening now.
Flu jab tomorrow!

Thursday 3 October 2024

New glasses

Tina left quite early for a meeting and I was going to catch the bus to Beverley a bit later and meet her there. The Ringtons man usually comes around ten but today he was later and I had to leave for the bus at ten thirty. He spotted me at the bus stop and said he would call back later. I took my new little sketch book with me, started to do a sketch on the bus but didn’t beget very far as it was a bit of a bone shaker!
Tina was in Beverley before me so I met her at a cafe near the bus station, then we took a leisurely walk to Specsavers. It was busy in there so Tina went off to look in Lakeland. My new glasses are nice but irritating my skin at the moment. I am hoping it is Judy because they sit slightly differently and it will settle.
We went to Cherry Lane garden centre on the way home for some lunch and to buy a couple of bags of stones so that I can finish off the patch near the tap in the front garden.
Not much else to write about, did see the Ringtons man a pond took this photo this evening.

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Walking and clay

Went to the post box early as Tina had an important letter to go. I walked up to Freeport and as I arrived at the pottery studio realised I hadn’t got my phone in my pocket. So no photos, or being able to change program on the hearing aids!
There were three things I had worked on last week so Caroline took a photo for me. There was my frog, Caroline’s highland cow and the piece I coloured using the underglaze pencils.
Caroline had things to do on the computer so I made several clay items for a workshop. As a thank you the koi carp that I like is put by for me to paint!
I walked back as well today and called in to see Sher at the shop. She had bought me a lovely little sketch notebook to take out and about and some tasty chocolates. She was more than happy with how things went at the shop while I was manning it.
I took a picture of my frog when I got home.
Quite cute!
Before going to see Sarah and David I finished off one of the smaller stuffed Christmas trees.
About to watch Ludwig now

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Rainy day

The rain started early and kept going all day today. I am not keen on my waterproof jacket but donned it to go to the banking hub and the shop, Also went the in the opposite direction to see if Karl at the computer shop had any usb adapter plugs, but he didn’t! Apart from that it was a day indoors. A load of washing and a few chores this morning then after lunch I sewed Christmas tree shapes together to make two of the smaller stuffed trees.
Firstly sew pairs together, turn them out and press them.
Then line three pairs up and sew them all together done the middle.
I did start stuffing one before going down to get on with dinner.
Have had the cat on my lap since dinner so no stuffing, maybe now she has moved!
I managed to get the hearing aids in okay this morning and have had them in all day, took them out about ten minutes ago and they are in the charger.
Nothing much else to say today so will post a couple of bird pics that came up on my memories.