Friday 20 January 2023

Flamingo and sea

A relatively energetic day, I walked up to Freeport to collect the flamingo dish, it was pretty chilly and had been frosty but the pavements were fine. I am pleased with the dish, but it was a nice design anyway even when it was white.
I had a drink and went to TheWorks and bought some books for my sister who is getting through them at a rate of knots! I decided to walk home as well, it was a bit damp on and off, but nothing to worry about. I wrote a letter and parcelled up the books and went via the post office when I walked to Jeans this afternoon. Then went up to the sea front before going to her house.

Quite a rough sea today. Terry gave me a lift home but I have been along the road a couple of times since getting back, so a better step day today!
Off to a village fund raiser bingo session at Atwick this evening.


  1. I really think the flamingo plate has come out very well. I like the variation of colours on the body as it makes it more realistic. I was trying to think what you could put on it. Maybe little marshmallows. Pink ones of course 😊
    Definitely sounds like a major step day today. You’ve certainly done more than me. Doubt I’ll even come near tomorrow! You managed to get a lot done though. Margherita will be pleased to get new books. As you say she’s flying through them at the moment, but it keeps her occupied and she enjoys reading. It’s nice she can do stuff she enjoys and others can do the mundane stuff for her.
    The sea does look a bit rough. Bet it was a bit cold down there too. Makes nice pics though.
    Hope you win at bingo. Two little ducks…..22 😄

  2. Village bingo run by ladies of a certain age is an experience everyone should try, maybe only once! Very cold hill tonight which wasn’t good, everyone kept their coats on.
    But quite a full day and a fair bit sorted so that was good. Not sure it will be gardening weather this weekend, but plenty of time to get ahead of the game yet.
