Tuesday 24 January 2023

Try not to turn the air blue!

The tooth isn’t great but the pharmacist suggested a couple of things so that I can nurse it along until my appointment. After going to the chemist and the shop went into the garden for a while. I thought I would make a start on the bed next to the greenhouse. It gets quite weedy but it was great for the sunflowers last year. Covered in leaves so a bit of clearance first!

Then started digging, didn’t get that far but filled the garden cart!
This afternoon I went to see Sarah and David, haven’t seen them for a couple of weeks so we had a good natter.
This evening was an energy saving session again, this time for an hour and a half. Tina was going out for tea and I made a flask of coffee for when Darren came in as we were already down to one light on in the dining room. As Darren was due to go out at six so couldn’t get any tea, we went and had fish and chips in the car and he dropped me back to the house and went off to archery.
Earlier today I sorted out the pieces for a little cabinet that will stand outside the miniature greenhouse. Making the handles was particular fun! By the time it was made the air was nearly as blue as the cabinet, luckily I was in the house on my own and Pandora ignores me!

I am sitting in my comfy chair now so she has abandoned the bed for my lap now….


  1. Hope the chemist’s recommendations keep it bearable until your actual dental appointment. I suppose they could still get a cancellation, but don’t hold your breath.
    You can certainly see where you’ve been on the bed next to the greenhouse. Even clearing it and digging that bit looks hard enough work. Keeps you fit, or fit to drop I suppose 😊
    You northerners, which you must be classed as by now, are very good with the energy saving sessions. Hope it proves worthwhile and you actually get something back for it. A flask and tea out are more than a lot of people would do.
    That cabinet is so tiny. I’m not at all surprised the air was blue for a while. At least you didn’t lose you temper with it and stamp on, which is probably what I would have done! πŸ˜„ You’re getting on so well with the greenhouse I’ll have to look for the model shed full of tools I saw some time ago! You’d probably enjoy that one too πŸ˜‚

  2. Don’t bother!
    The toothache comes in spasms, at least it is not continuous.
    The little cabinet is cute now it is made.
