Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Back into the city

This morning I went to visit friends that I hadn’t seen for years, just an hour or so and a chat over a cuppa. When I came back Rose was ready for us to go and catch the bus into Peterborough. We had munch in a cafe in Rivergate that did very nice egg and chips and had soya milk so Rose could have a latte. Then we set off to walk up to the care home to visit Margherita, we walked through the park, it was cold today and lovely and bright.

We spent a couple of hours or so with Margherita and part of that was a meeting about her placement. Nothing really decided so she will stay where she is for the time being. We caught the bass back to the bus station and then on other one back to Orton. I took this photo of a tree, I love to see different tree trunks, I u send to like sketching them.
We called into the shop on the way back to get some snacks for tea. Just relaxing and finding things to watch on the tv. I will be heading home with Tina tomorrow.


  1. Quite a full day for you then. You’ll be glad to get home for a rest!
    Glad you managed to find somewhere that Rose could have a meal she likes. They do seem pretty accommodating in that cafe.
    Taking pics in my park! That’s poaching 😊 Definitely the quickest route to see Margherita when coming from town, so I’ll let you off.
    The red tree is very funky. Looks like someone has tried to paint it!
    Your time here has gone by quickly, but as usual you’ve fitted a lot in. A chauffeur driven trip home is a nice way to finish off. Handy that the Rev was heading this way herself tomorrow.

  2. Yes, quite a full day really but a quiet evening.
    Be heading home tomorrow afternoon after Tina has had her appointment.
