Sunday 8 January 2023

Not much of interest!

I had thought of going for a walk today but in the end my activity was in the garden. There is an area that I don’t really touch, Rob who does the lawn piles stuff up near that area and it is overgrown with brambles and I pruned bushes. It also has a lot of nettles in the summer which I found had enormous roots when I started digging! So todays boring photos are a before and after with the debris in the middle!

That took long enough and then after lunch I was quite a while clearing the pile of brambles and branches. 
I did spend an hour or so on the gecko before getting dinner sorted. No photo. Will wait until I have done a bit more!
Special episode of Midsomer Murders this evening which I am looking forward to as Kevin Whately is one of the suspects!


  1. I did go for a walk today, which I have to say looks way more fun than the gardening! It does look a lot better though, and that’s a rather big pile of debris from a smallish area. I hate brambles, I usually get scratched to bits!
    One of those jobs that has to be done, but you should really get someone else to do it 😊
    I’m sure the gecko was more fun than the gardening…..just.
    Hopefully a peaceful evening for you watching tv, with a cat no doubt 😊

  2. The program I was planning to see wasn’t on after all, so watched Throw Down instead. Pandora sat behind me downstairs not on me!
    It was good to have that area a bit more under control before it all starts to grow at a rate of knots!
