Monday, 2 January 2023

Scrumptious weather!

I sorted out some washing and got one load done before going for a walk. I set off for the beach and planned to walk further along it than I had before. Absolutely beautiful day, clear skies and sunshine. Lots of people about and loads of anglers on the far beach.

I got some lunch when I got home and the spent almost an hour putting pieces onto the gecko. Then I went out into the garden for a while and cleared one bed of most of the leaves.

I wrote a few cards and went down to put them in the postbox.
Will go and see Sarah and David this evening. A busy but good day.


  1. Apart from the washing that’s a great start to the day. It does look lovely on the beach, so perfect for a bit of exercise. Make the most of the good weather while it’s around as I doubt it’ll last too long. The fishermen have the right idea, a bit of time on the beach and the possibility of nice fresh fish for lunch 😊 It’s been a nice day here too, but the scenery isn’t so good.
    You’ve fitted a fair bit in yet again, so at least you don’t get time to get bored. A little bit of gardening at a time is definitely the way to go. No point in wearing yourself out, you can do that tomorrow 😊
    A great day for pics.
    Enjoy your evening then a bit of feet up time when you get home.

  2. A lovely day weather wise and got a few things done as well. Lots of steps too! Need to keep this up!
    I intend to try and do a bit of garden every day where possible, as you say, little and often is the best way!
