Saturday 14 January 2023

Not a photo day!

I had planned to get into the garden today and finish off that bed but woke to rain and a garden like a bog so had to rethink that one! Usual pottering this morning, getting rolls in for lunch, helping with the shopping delivery and then sorting some stuff for travelling. We had lunch early as Tina was off to take a service in Hessle this afternoon. I walked up to Freeport, thought I would see if the pelican plate was ready for collection. It wasn’t, the lad said it was still in the kiln so I will probably get the message it is ready when I am away. Darren had said he planned to come up to Freeport so I met home at the car park, we had a look round Pound Stretcher and then had coffee and cake in the cafe before he drove me home.
I went into the garden and greenhouse, I had a sack of mealworms to transfer into containers and then I made sure the store near the summer house was fully stocked  and convenient if Tina feeds the birds while ai am away. ThenI had a little practice with the glass dip pen. I have been concentrating on the gecko since I got the pen. I have the miniature greenhouse to assemble but will start that when things have settled down a bit in Peterborough.
I am going to enjoy getting used to the glass dip pen, may even write letter with it!
No dots to attach tonight and nothing I am desperate to watch on the tv so maybe the puzzle book!


  1. Not sure if it’s a shame or a relief that gardening wasn’t possible. There’ll always be another day. Sounds like you’ve kept busy anyway.
    Shame the “flamingo” wasn’t ready. You said pelican, so I’m doubting myself now! At least you got out with Darren for tea and cake. That’s always good 😊
    I’m sure Tina will remember to feed the birds while you’re away. If not they all be waiting for a good feed when you get home.
    Now the gecko is finished I’m looking forward to seeing the progress as you go along with the greenhouse. Probably more than you are 😄
    The writing looks nice done with the glass pen. But your handwriting is always good anyway.
    You could alway just sit and relax for an evening and do nothing…….yeah right 😊

  2. Yes, flamingo of course, have a wrong name day today!
    Have been sitting quietly doing puzzles with Pandora near me but not on me!
