Thursday 12 January 2023

Funny old day!

Yesterday evening I worked on the gecko for a good while but also wrote a couple of letters, so went out reasonably early to post them as the last collection from the box is 9 am! 
Tina had an appointment at the eye hospital today so we left home just after 9.30, leaving a note for a delivery man and Shane the Ringtons man. We parked at St Stephens and walked to the hospital, just over half a mile. I feel as if I am keeping quite fit when I am walking on my own, but with someone taller and over twenty years younger I feel extremely unfit! We were just on time for the appointment and Tina went almost straight in, but when she came out for the drops to work it was a very long wait. We left the hospital about 1pm. Walked back to St Stephens but I took a couple of pics at the hospital.

We had lunch at one place in St Stephens and tea and cake at another! Only soft drinks of alcohol in Nando’s!
We went to Pets at Home, or whatever it is called now and got some cat litter then set off for home.
A storm appeared to be rolling in when we got to the pet place.

We hit terrible traffic due to an accident outside a village school. Managed to take a detour and had a package on the doorstep and a bag with teabags in as Shane had been back but we hadn’t arrived home.
Maybe a bit of dot sticking now for a change!


  1. If the first pic is anything to go by the morning looks a very nice one.
    You do do a lot of walking these days, and I think you’re very fit compared to a lot of people your own age. Walking with a younger person with longer legs is a no win situation really 😊
    I’m sure the wait at the hospital was quite boring and I bet you never thought to take a book just in case.
    There’s some really great graffiti art in Hull. I think the nurse looks great. Not too sure what the other face is supposed to be, but I like it anyway.
    Hope the accident wasn’t too bad. Always sounds worse when you know it’s outside a school!
    Bet you were glad to be home…..and gagging to get stuck in to the gecko. Pardon the pun!

  2. I did have a puzzle book with me so it wasn’t too bad, and while we waited we did one together.
    Still sticking, but less ground to cover now!
    We drove down another street that was full of graffiti but not easy to get to and in a fairly desolate area!
