Tuesday 31 January 2023

Bird feeder connected

Yesterday evening Darren was testing the bird feed status again and it had updated and managed to link to the WiFi. I had looked at the feeder cage yesterday and thought the feeder mI got fit in there if I removed the feeding tray. Not a great position as it gets no sun in the summer and is a long way from the house so doubt it will pick up the WiFi signal.  But it did fit and I left it put all day. Brought it in this evening as the mice and rats will find the food over night. I will put it out again in the morning. No pictures today but it usually takes a while for birds to approach new feeders. I to two pics, the second one was supposed to show the camera but ai see a little bracket is in the way! The solar panel was actually in the sun for a lot of the day which was good.

There is a fitting for the bottom of the feeder so that it can be mounted on a pole, although Tina mentioned before she went away that I will need to get a squirrel guard!  The broom handle I bought wasn’t really the right thickness and not long enough so though I would take the bracket to Woods the local builder and see what they suggested. As I set off the legs didn’t feel too bad today so decided to walk to Freeport and have a cuppa and call at Woods on the way back. A very wintry pic before I set off home.
The men in woods were lovely, found an eight foot thick dowel which is just the right diameter and one of the trimmed one end for me so that it will be easier to get into the ground. I called into see Sher at the Botany Boutique, she was very amused that I arrived carrying an eight foot pole!
I went into the garden for a short time this afternoon and did a very quick tidy up of the bed that runs next to the fence of the pub next door.

Another wintry pic to finish, feeling quite tired so just relaxing this evening,


  1. The bird feeder looks good. Not a bad idea putting it under the cage. Would stop the squirrels and the birds would soon get used to it. Hopefully the pole will prove a better option as you should be able to get it closer to the house. Definitely a Darren job to get it hammered into the ground. I’ll definitely look forward to seeing some pics from it before too long. Woods is quite an old fashioned place, so I’m not surprised they were really helpful to you, plus the “old lady card” always helps a bit 😄
    I think most people in Hornsea, including Sher think you’re “special” 😄 You do give them a chuckle at times.
    Another day getting lots of things done. It’s definitely looking tidier in the garden now. Not surprised you’re tired. Hopefully a good nights sleep is on the cards 🤞

  2. Feel like I am getting on top of the back garden, best get cracking on the front before the nosy passers by start making comments!
    They were really helpful at Woods, I am probably not like their usual customers!
    Will be good when I have a photograph rpfrom the camera!
