Wednesday 25 January 2023

A bit of variety and a bit of frustration!

The first picture is weird! I was using the iPad and the light above made a mini rainbow, sort of!
I went out into the garden and beavered away at the bed I started yesterday. It will  need digging over again as there was a lot of root, but I removed the bigger clumps.
Just a little miniature stuff today, getting smaller and more fiddly!
Our friend Judi is going to become a novice nun next month. It seems impossible to buy a novicing card so time to try and make one! I am so happy to have a printer again as I found a picture and printed it for the card. I have written a couple of possible finishes but Tina may have something in mind more suitable.
Now to the frustration part. When I was ordering our tea last night I realised that my debit card wasn’t where it should be. I vaguely remembered putting it down when I was going out thinking I wouldn’t need it. I hunted for a while and then went on line and found I could freeze the card while I searched. By this evening, after tidying and looking everywhere I could think of decided to go back on line and cancel the card. I put the iPad down, went to pick up the tv magazine on a chair and there was the debit card! I won’t write my reaction!
Went and ran a bath and used one of the bath bombs I made. It fizzed nicely!
Have had an email to say the replacement card should arrive in four days!


  1. The first pic is quite funky. Well spotted.
    Th3 bed looks a great deal better now than when yo started. I’d be happy with it as it is, bugger doing it again 😊
    Those greenhouse bit are really tiny. I certainly hope you don’t have much left to build that’s smaller this; those, but I have a sneaky feeling there might well be!
    I love the card. Glad the printer is proving to be useful. So much easier when you have access to your own. I rarely use mine these days, but it’s a very handy thing to have.
    I’m still chuckling about the debit card, sorry. It’s just typical for it to happen that way. Normally there’d be an hour or so gap between cancelling and finding, but finding it that quickly after cancelling is just rubbing it in 😄 Still you’ll have a new one in four days 💳
    The bath actually looks like something you should eat or drink, not bathe in. Bet it smelled good.

  2. Quite a good day despite the debit card fiasco. I think there is plenty more tiny and fiddly stuff still to make for the greenhouse. I am only on page 3 of twenty two instruction pages!
    Glad to have another bit if the garden looking tidier.
    The house did smell nice when I was running the bath.
