Sunday 29 January 2023

So many leaves!

I have spent several hours in the garden today. Shifted a lot of leaves and hoed some flower beds when they were clearer. The wind got up during the day and as I cleared more leaves were blowing onto the lawn and beds from the mountains of them at the back of the garden! So it felt like a couple of steps forward and then one beck again! But I know there are less to come back that there were!

The lawn is a bit of a disaster, it is more tufts clumps of couch grass that lawn, and there are dead patches where the leaves have been resting. The mower that Rob uses for the lawn is a huge petrol one that is really heavy and it just flattens down the tufts rather that cutting then back. I thought that the answer may be to strum some of the tufts before he is due to cut it again, but it would be a big job. Anyway I tried a little area and it did look better.

I gathered up the ornamental toadstools from the garden, will clean them up another day ready for the spring but I think the white ones will need a new coat of paint.
I foolishly checked the hedgehog box only to find a dead squirrel in there. Hadn’t been there that long but it sort of took the edge of the day!
Yesterday evening I made three little pictures for the miniature greenhouse, not difficult but quite fiddly!

Tina has gone off to Mirfield for the week retreat now, will probably watch Vera with Darren this evening.


  1. A large garden with nice trees always looks lovely, until the autumn when they all fall off! What a mess they make! You’re getting there though. It is a bit of a downer though when you clean the leaves up and they all blow back ☹️
    I think the answer to your tufty lawn problem is to get a gardener who cuts it properly in the first place, then you wouldn’t have to do half his job for him every time! Well actually you probably do 80% of his job for him! I know……I’ll get off my soapbox now 😄
    You don’t have too many mushrooms to repaint, so that’s good. Plus they’re a decent size so it’ll make a change from miniature greenhouse pictures 😊 They are soooo tiny.
    Enjoy your program and take it easy.

  2. The garden is in quite good order, I am pleased because working on it had been hampered last year with the constant problems with my hands and wrists, so hope fully I will be able to keep on top of things this year.
    The greenhouse bits are silly and I have twenty plants to make yet along with a host of other stuff!
