Wednesday 4 January 2023

Hull and bargain books!

Last night Tina said she had an appointment in Hull so I could have a lift in. This morning after several phone calls Tina said it was all change and she wasn’t going into Hull after all. I was in the mind set to go so went and caught the bus. When I was on the bus Tina messaged to say it had changed again and she was going to Hull, si we arranged to meet for lunch later. Before I left I thought I would try and draw something quickly with the glass dip pen, it flows quite well and I had some black in.
I made my way to Lush as I had a pot to return and get my discount on the replacement, just as I was arriving there Tina phoned to say she had finished her meeting so we met up and went to Waterstones for lunch, and to look at the books. We have been using the loyalty scheme and had reached the £10 to be able to use it. I found two great books at half price and ended up actually paying under four pound for them! The bird book has lovely illustrations and anecdotes about each of the birds. Haven’t looked at the Frida Kahlo one yet, but have red about her and she is a fascinating woman.
When we left the book shop I decided to stay in town for a bit and Tina headed home. I walked to the new bridge near Princes Quay, as I neared there was a man surrounded by pigeons but they were spooked by something before I could take a photo.

He was feeding them so they soon came back!
I walked to the bridge and across it to take a picture from the other end.

I went into Princes Quay and had a wander in the vintage shop. I always have a look and today I bought a top for a fiver.
The sun had made an appearance when I came back into the town.
There has been a food hall in the building that used to be Hammond department store. It used to have loads of small businesses and some craft ones as well, but today it just had several bars serving various foods. These two trucks used to be stalls.
I decided to try and do a pen and wash picture using the glass pen. I don’t usually make scenes up but couldn’t think what to draw,
I like using the pen so will think of something to draw next time!
I think Pandora is asleep on one of my chairs so I may do a bit to the gecko.


  1. Firstly I think the glass dip pen was a good buy. I think you’ll get a lot of use from it. The examples I’ve seen so far a pretty good. It seems perfect for the sort of line drawings I like 😊
    Glad you got into Hull for a while. I know you always enjoy a trip there, and you always seem to find a bargain, or six 😄 I like the top you got, very you.
    You always find lots of pic opportunities in Hull. Quite a photographic place. I really like the pic in shadows from the end of the bridge.
    We’ll blow me, a pen and wash picture, my favourite style! Looks really good. I really look forward to seeing some more of your efforts using it, and maybe acquiring a signed one at a later date 😊

  2. A pretty good day, it was supposed to be warmer but the wind was pretty chilly. Definite bargain day and you are right, I am very fond of Hull and even the bus journey is okay!
    I really like the pen, glad Terry told me about them otherwise I would have been none the wiser. I will practice and then make sure you get a signed one!
